Let’s just say that I have always been “portion control challenged” when it comes to my eating habits. I eat good food and like a lot of it. With lamb meat, a simple portion size of just three ounces is loaded with nutrients that help your body build a strong immune system and can help you fight off infections, limit inflammation and repair cellular damage.
Aside from its rich and distinct flavor, lamb meat coming from young sheep has a wide array of nutrition benefits. It contributes to a balanced diet and overall health of those that consume it. Lamb meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that are used to repair, grow and maintain body tissue. Aside from what some people say, animal protein is extremely important to maintain and build muscle mass. Both of which are critical regardless of what stage of life you are in. For those that are young and still growing, the development of muscle is extremely important and the decision to deplete someone of this development in early stages can have lasting impacts. For those that are older, muscle mass is critical. Aside from muscle burning up more calories it also helps with the prevention of broken bones which becomes more common with the slightest fall or impact the later in life you get. Protein also supports immune function and regulates the physiological processes within your body.
Lamb meat has 25 grams of protein per 100 grams which makes for a very efficient method of consumption. Although protein is important for everyone, those that are not on a high protein or carnivore type of diet are truly missing out by not eating American lamb meat.
Aside from protein, lamb meat also contains essential nutrients such as iron. Iron is necessary for the body as it transports oxygen. Iron from animal sources, such as lamb meat, is highly bioavailable, meaning it is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. This makes lamb meat particularly beneficial for individuals at risk of iron deficiency, such as pregnant women, children, and people with certain medical conditions.
B Vitamins are also prevalent in lamb meat. These vitamins include riboflavin, B6 vitamins, niacin and of course B12. Vitamin B12 plays a significant role for the body in formulating red blood cells and ensuring that nerves function properly. All in all, these vitamins help increase metabolism, energy production within the body and neurological health.
Other great benefits of consuming lamb meat are the intake of other nutrients such as phosphorus, selenium and zinc. These nutrients are all extremely important for immune function, bone health, and maintaining healthy cellular processes. Lamb meat also contains a good portion of other essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and copper that can help round out your diet and increase your overall health and well being.
Similar to the attack on meat from some groups out there, fat has also been identified as a culprit against our health. Fat can help contribute to us feeling full and keeping us warm. Although we are not nutritionists, we are aware that there are different kinds of fat in our foods. Fortunately for those that enjoy eating lamb, we are getting our share of healthy fats. When consumed in moderation (cough…cough), lamb meat has a fat profile that is favorable to better health. It is a source of unsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with numerous health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to reduced inflammation, improved heart health, and enhanced cognitive function. These fats are also attributed to helping the body reduce chronic diseases, are heart healthy and have a positive impact on mental health.
Aside from all the benefits we have previously listed, lamb meat also contains CLA which is conjugated linoleic acid. This is a fatty acid and has been linked by some studies to be anti-inflammatory and to contain anticancer properties. In addition to that, CLA has shown that it can help with body composition by playing a role in weight management and reducing overall body fat and increasing muscle.
If we haven’t yet made the case for adding American lamb meat to you diet then shame on us. As we stated, this meal choice has an array of nutritional benefits and helps round out a healthy diet. With its high-quality protein content, essential nutrients, and favorable fat profile, your body will thank you for consuming this delicious option. Just like with anything else though, moderation is important (we’ll try to remember that). Including lamb meat into your meal repertoire can support muscle growth, aid in the prevention of nutrient deficiencies and contribute to a more healthy lifestyle for you and your family.
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