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American lamb meat

Providing an education on the benefits of AMERICAN Lamb Meat and bridging the gap between producer and consumer.

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Eat, Cook & Live Healthier

We know by our conversations with friends and acquaintances that lamb meat is intimidating to many. Whether it be due to the premium pricing or the lack of knowledge on how to cook it, a significant subset of people are missing out on this great protein. Packed with nutrition and immune boosters, American lamb meat is a great choice for your next meal.

We intend to break down the barriers in your kitchen to make American lamb meat a staple in your diet.

a sheep being shown off before presenting to the market. A good sheep will bring in more money for the rancher because it is a higher quality lamb.

Understand the Changes

Many people are becoming aware that something is amiss within society and our daily lifestyle. It is becoming more clear that workers are making more money than ever but seem to have less free time, are not as healthy as our predecessors and seldom see the light of day from 9am-5pm.

As many of us get back to the basics of how life once was, we must understand how society got to this point and the disconnect that has occurred over the last 50 years.

Know Your Rancher

With sheep in all 50 states and Canada, we should not have to purchase lamb meat in the grocery store that comes from 10,000 miles away. In this day and age, many people do not know where their food even comes from. Yet there is a growing contingency that is desperate to know what they are putting in their bodies and are willing to seek out the best food.

Decentralization and getting back to the basic relationship of producer & consumer is a benefit to us all.

Our Blog

The Basics of Lamb and Sheep

As we started this project we thought it might be a good idea to provide a quick background on the terms involving sheep. Having a modest understanding can certainly help when you are shopping for lamb meat and talking with your local rancher. Ewe A ewe (pronounced “you”) is a female sheep.  A ewe lamb will become a yearling after one year. Ram / Buck A ram refers to a sheep that is able to breed a ewe.  Typically, a ram can breed around thirty ewes during breeding season.  The term “Buck” is slang for ram.  Some buck lambs will […]

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American Lamb and Fire

We can take these complementary topics two ways…and no doubt we will!  The first direction we can go with “American lamb” and “fire” is to associate the two with cooking (which really is our default).  A nice fresh piece of American lamb meat and a hot fire (any heat really) is all you need for a good meal.  Of course, we also like to add in some (ok…a lot) of garlic along with rosemary, salt, pepper and a little olive oil.  But at its most minimalistic approach, a nice lamb chop and fire will do.   Another way to think […]

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